Predictions of the Holy Elder Paisius of Athos. Athos elders about false spiritual steps

May the grace of God be with the Russian leadership and the Russian people!

In my humble opinion, the Russian people are worthy of admiration. This is an outstanding and wonderful people, brilliant, beautiful, gifted and blessed by God. This is God's people, the new people of Israel, upon whom is the grace of God. The Russian people among all the peoples of the earth are the most blessed by God. God marked the Russian people with many graces and gifts. The eternal joy of the Russian people is the countless hosts of saints, reverends and martyrs.

In my humble opinion, compared with other peoples now living on earth, the Russian people are the most perfect and most outstanding, since they are endowed with love and all sorts of virtues, greatness and good manners. At the same time, this is the most humble and modest people, marked by piety, love and dedication to God and neighbor. The Russian people are incomparably more worthy of admiration and imitation than any other people living on earth. The Russian people are incomparable, unsurpassed, the only and inimitable on the whole earth.

The Russian leadership must carefully monitor that no laws are passed that are contrary to the Law of God. So that prostitution, adultery, abortion, free cohabitation, civil marriage, cremation, same-sex unions cannot be legalized, since all this leads to decay and deprivation of the Grace of God.

The spiritual revival of Russia will follow when the Russian people go to church, confess, pray, fast, study the Holy Scriptures and do alms. Then the Lord will always be with the Russian people and will always help them. And if, as we said before, the Russian leadership legalizes prostitution, adultery, abortion, free cohabitation, civil marriage, same-sex unions, and if we draw closer to the Pope and move towards unification, then God will not give his blessing and a movement towards destruction will begin. I wish the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia that he follow the word of truth so that he does not make friends with the Pope. We cannot unite. The Pope is the enemy of Christ and the Virgin.

The Eighth Ecumenical Council is illegitimate. We must not agree with what we are told. Russian bishops are not well informed. You need to tell them everything. The main thing is that we should not unite with the Pope. We must not have fellowship with heretics. We cannot pray together. We, on the other hand, admit papal supporters to our church and pray with them. The forty-fifth apostolic canon says that "A bishop, or a presbyter, or a deacon, who only prayed with heretics, let him be excommunicated. If he allows them to act in any way, as if they were servants of the Church: let him be deposed."

Our Patriarch, according to this rule, has already been excommunicated and defrocked, since he twice invited the Pope to the patronal feast, led him into the temple, allowed him to say the prayer "Our Father ..." and bless the people. The Apostolic canon retains its force, so that potentially the Patriarch has already been excommunicated and deposed. It is only necessary to convene the Holy Synod for this.


I pray with all my heart that God's blessings be with you and your families. I also pray that our Lord, the one and only true God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, will always protect Russia and all the Russian people throughout the earth.

I pray that God will give peace and repentance to all mankind and at the time of the Second Coming place all people at His right hand, so that we will hear his longed-for voice: "Come, blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you."

I pray that the Lord will strengthen the holy and immaculate faith of Orthodox Christians together with His Holy Church in the present times, as He did for centuries during the lifetime of our holy fathers.

The Russian people are worthy of all admiration. He perked up, having gone through many trials, in which he heroically kept his faith, and did not succumb to the atheism of communism for more than 70 years. On the contrary, he revealed many saints, including the family of the last Tsar Nicholas II, who were martyred in full force - the Tsar himself, his wife Alexandra and their children Olga, Tatyana, Maria, Anastasia and the young Alexei.

The Russian and Greek peoples are bound by close spiritual ties. In Russia, many Greeks are canonized as saints - such as Rev. Maximus the Greek, whose relics rest in perhaps the most significant of the Russian monasteries - in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. Or the Monk Aristokliy, rector of the Moscow metochion of the Svyatogorsk Russian monastery of St. Panteleimon. Similarly, many Russian saints are venerated in Greece - such as Saint Seraphim of Sarov and Saint Luke of Crimea.

A very special connection exists between the Holy Mountain and Russia. That is why we rejoice when pilgrims from Russia visit us. And in recent years, we have been given such an honor by the political leadership of Russia, above all by President Vladimir Putin.

This connection between us was further strengthened by Paisiy Svyatogorets, who in Russia, as we know, is treated with special reverence. I pray that the Lord will vouchsafe other fathers to follow this tradition, laid down by Paisios the Athonite.

Analysis of the prophecy of the Athos elder Macarius: truth and fiction?
[an article from a series on the history of prophecy].

“Sonya Koshkina recalled in her publication “Left Bank” about the prediction of the Athos elder Macarius. Her friend decided to visit the old man, who has a reputation for insight. Taking into account the fact that he tends to periodically go into lockdown for seven to ten days, there was a chance to go in vain. Therefore, before the trip, an acquaintance made a call to Ouranoupolis to the organizer of pilgrimage trips, who is aware of all the affairs of Athos, in order to arrange a meeting in advance.
The organizer said that the monk Macarius is now not in seclusion, he accepts pilgrims who come to him for advice, but only until mid-April, after which he goes into seclusion for an indefinite time to pray for the grant of peace.
When asked about the reasons for the shutter, the organizer replied that in the second half of April, certain events awaited, which he would not talk about, but added that “you will see everything yourself.”
What do you think: about what events in Ukraine did Elder Macarius see?

I think that Elder Macarius did not see anything about the events in Ukraine.
After a little investigation, today we can say: there is very little information about this Elder of Athos (only two articles and both of Ukrainian origin).
The first of Sonya Koshkina herself from 05/11/2012 "Athos prophecy":
“Is Viktor Fedorovich concerned about all this? No. For at the present time his thoughts, it is possible, are occupied with another prophecy. Authorship of Athos elders. Allegedly - the evil tongues gossip in the Presidential Administration - that in 2014 the earthly path of the Leader may be cut short. And not because of a natural death.
It sounds a little frivolous, and even funny, but now the whole blue-and-white party is just discussing this. That testifies to its quite serious perception thereof.
The prophecy of Elder Macarius, you see, is unpleasant. So much so that anyone can be unsettled. Moreover, such “extraordinary situations” have already taken place. One of the first - when Yanukovych was President - happened to him back in April 2010. Just a couple of days after the tragic death of Lech Kaczynski. On that day, Viktor Fedorovich and his comrades, having plunged into an old presidential Il (looking ahead, I note: this was one of the last flights of this “board”, - S.K.), were returning from Washington to Kyiv. Suddenly, somewhere over the Atlantic, the plane began to shake. Shake hard. So much so that everyone who stood in the aisles (on such flights the safety rules are much more loyal than on civilian ones - it is not forbidden to move relatively freely between cabins, etc., - S.K.) fell and, literally on all fours, got to their places. A minute later, power outages began. The ship began to rapidly lose altitude. In the salon - panic.
What exactly happened then and how the pilots managed to cope is not exactly known to this day. However, immediately upon returning to Kyiv, the board was put in for repairs, the guarantor was ordered a new one. The guarantor himself - urgently - left for Athos.
And now compare the scales: the real, albeit happily passed, threat of 2010 and the ephemeral, but frightening - 2012.
What, one wonders, will prevent - having taken care of the instinct of self-preservation - to close with all the bolts, to try to protect yourself as much as possible (even if in strange and wild ways, - S.K.)?
To begin with - to lower, immediately after the Euro, the iron curtain?
“Encapsulate”, seriously hoping to “stretch” the economy with money from the sale of the “pipe”?
Nothing will interfere. Is it the fact that there is nothing to lower - both the curtain and the iron have already been stolen.

[History reference.
Sonya Koshkina, real name - Ksenia Nikitichna Vasilenko; genus. 1985, Kyiv) - Ukrainian journalist, co-owner and editor-in-chief of the Internet publication "Left Bank", TV presenter].

As you can see, the "Athos Prophecy" is written in a very amusing, curly, curly and "intellectual" way, like much of what comes from Sonya's pen - she is Xenia. I think most readers will agree with this. And this is where the differences begin.
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On September 14, 2014, the Market Leader website posted the article “Athos elder to Ukrainians: you have a chance to win, only under two conditions...” (author not specified):
“How does the Athonite elder differ from a fortune teller? God speaks to you through his mouth, trying to help you in your search for truth, warning you of a threat looming over you, which you can even get around if you draw the right conclusions. Greed speaks to you through a gypsy woman,” the theologians say.
The editors of the "Market Leader" tried to find the truth in issues that already worry millions of ordinary Ukrainians by asking these questions to one of the elders of Athos:
– when and how will the ATO in Ukraine end;
– will the country retain its independence, or will we have to lose our homeland for the second time after 1991;
- Is it worth taking out to Western Ukraine (Lviv, Lutsk, Ternopil, Rivne) the families of those who live in Kharkov, Dnepropetrovsk, Zaporozhye, Kherson.
The answers were shocking. Perhaps because they write something completely different on the Internet.
The main condition of our individual tour was a meeting and conversation with one of the elders of Athos.
Our guide - translator, the theologian Viktor, turned out to be a Ukrainian, originally from Nikolaev, who graduated from a theological seminary in Ukraine, then the Academy. Lives with his family in Greece.
From Victor we learn the prophecy of the Odessa elder Jonah (Ignatenko), which at the moment is dominant on Athos about Ukraine.
Jonah predicted that:
- A year after his death, a war between Ukraine and Russia will begin, which will last about 2 years (88-year-old Schema-Archimandrite Jonah (Ignatenko) died in the Odessa Monastery of the Holy Assumption on December 18, 2012, 11 months later Maidan began in Kyiv after the refusal Viktor Yanukovych to sign the AA of Ukraine with the ES;
- About the merger of all "Slavic tribes": the Russian Federation will take all the lands of Ukraine and Belarus and turn into a powerful "Orthodox power";
- The form of government in Russia will be autocracy headed by the Russian Tsar.
“No, the new Russian tsar will not be Vladimir Putin,” Viktor further stunned us. – On Mount Athos, in the Intercession Church of the St. Panteleimon Monastery, I will show you an amazing icon of the Savior Not Made by Hands. Black, almost indistinguishable face. It darkened on the day of the assassination of the royal family on the night of July 16-17, 1918. According to legend, the icon will be restored only when power in Russia is in the hands of a new or future tsar.
“Putin has been in power since 2000, the icon has not changed. No, if Jonah's prophecy is true, Putin will not be the Russian Tsar,” explained our theologian guide.
“How do you imagine Alexander Lukoshenko, who will surrender the independence of Belarus to Russia? He is not Yanukovych,” seeing the second discrepancy between the prophecy of the Odessa elder Jonah (Ignatenko) and modern realities, we asked the theologian a question.
He apologized and explained that he was not a politician.
“The prophecy of the Athonite Elder Macarius about Ukraine: you have a chance to win if you fight. If not, look in vain for families asylum in Western Ukraine.”
Athos elder Macarius, a Greek by nationality, heads a Serbian cell near the capital of Athos, the town of Karye. A small estate almost at the top of the mountain, 2 churches, one of which is from 1653, monks, novices.
Brief conclusions of our 2-hour conversation, which Father Macarius not only allowed, but also recommended to convey to the Ukrainians:
1. “Do not take the prophecy of the Odessa elder Jonah (Ignatenko) about Ukraine, transmitted through the tenth hand,” Macarius told us.
Upon returning from Athos, we tried to find on the Internet the primary sources of the prophecy of Jonah and were surprised to find that after the death of Jonah, the theses of these “prophecies” were handed over to the parishioners by... other priests of the UOC-MP. For example:
Prophecies of Elder Jonah (Ignatenko) about the Third World War and the Tsar from Archpriest of the Lugansk diocese Maxim Volynets;
If we add to this fact that Maxim Volynets supported the terrorist organizations of the DPR and LPR, he himself fled from the Lugansk region to the Moscow region, from where he regularly publishes “revelations” about “Ukrainian punishers”, “Kyiv junta”, “Ukrofascists” in his Vkontakte account , openly writes that “Ukraine is a non-state and geopolitical squalor”, Kyiv is a “damned”, “hellish place”, then the confidence in the words of this priest among Ukrainians drops to zero.
2. “You don’t have to leave Kharkov yet,” Elder Macarius explained, answering our question about the residents of the regions bordering the ATO zone.
3. “Ukraine has a chance to win only under 2 conditions. The first condition is if all men stand up for the defense of the country, like the Greeks against the Turkish yoke.
4. “The second condition for the victory of the Ukrainians is the repentance of the people and the authorities,” Makary said.
The interpretation of the term “repentance” for the authorities using the example of Viktor Yanukovych was explained to us by the theologian Viktor: repentance is the recognition of past mistakes and sins, which the Orthodox undertake not to repeat in the future.
Thus, Yanukovych was warned by the elders of Athos in 2011 that without repentance (changes) he would not hold out as president until 2015. Yanukovych understood “repentance” in his own way: he began to go to church more often, pray in public, hand over numerous buildings and structures to the UOC-MP, come to Odessa for a blessing from Elder Jonah (Ignatenko).
“Thus one can deceive oneself, but not the Lord,” concluded our theologian.
“Prophecy is not a prediction of the Future, the Lord can change the prophecy when a person repents. If a person does not change anything, God's punishment may follow,” the theologian further explained.
“Repentance is reforms,” political scientists gave their interpretation of the prophecy of Elder Macarius. While experts name five signs that the “revolution of dignity in Ukraine” has changed, this is very, very little.
5. It makes no sense for residents of the eastern regions of Ukraine (Kharkiv, Dnepropetrovsk, Zaporozhye) to buy real estate in Lviv, Ternopil or Lutsk.
“If you lose the war, you will not find refuge in western Ukraine. It will be the same as in the Donbass,” said the Athonite elder Macarius.
6. “Men need to defend their homeland, and women need to keep the hearth, watch less TV, the Internet, remembering that at a difficult moment their family rests on their shoulders” - the next advice of Elder Macarius.
7. When Great Russians (Russians) and Little Russians (Ukrainians) quarrel among themselves, the “third force” always wins.

P / S: The opinion of the author may not coincide with the opinion of the editors. If you have a different opinion, write it in the comments.
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As of 03/01/2019, under the “prophecy” of the Athos elder Macarius about Ukraine, there are 0 comments.
As we can see, the Athonite elder Macarius, a Greek by nationality, is an interesting person, all his “prophecies” for some reason concern only Ukraine. At the same time, at first glance it may seem that the information in the article is somewhat confusing, abstract, sometimes even entertaining. Nevertheless, the main idea is clearly indicated, formulated immediately at the beginning of the text and recalled at the end. The idea is simple: "You have a chance to defeat Russia!!!".
An unknown author from the "Market Leader" in his short sketch is trying to energetically support the actions of the new Kyiv authorities after the Maidan, relying on the opinion of Athos.
True, to readers who are seriously interested in the Patriotic History of Prophecies, it may seem that the very foundation of the article contains a very large systematic error. An unknown elder was chosen as a prophet, his name and surname in the world are not even indicated.
At the same time, the tone is set at the very beginning: “God speaks to you through his mouth, trying to help you in your search for truth, warning you of a threat looming over you, which you can even get around if you draw the right conclusions.”
In a brief analysis of the geopolitical position of Ukraine (let us recall that the conversation with the elder lasted for 2 hours), the author, alluding to some “imperial features” of Russia, at the same time makes a statement:
“The second condition for the victory of the Ukrainians is the repentance of the people and the authorities. Prophecy is not a prediction of the Future, the Lord can change the prophecy when a person repents. If a person does not change anything, God's punishment may follow.
Thus, the author, as it were, invites the “new” Power in Ukraine to reflect on the question: “Repentance is reforms”, while he also involves a simple Ukrainian reader in the creative search for “Repentance”, awakens in him, so to speak, creative and even political activity, playing the role of guru and augur rolled into one.
At the same time, the “internal polemic” of the author with himself is interesting, because it is felt that the author acts both as a journalist and as a translator (the theologian Victor):
“From Victor we learn the prophecy of the Odessa elder Jonah (Ignatenko), which at the moment is dominant on Athos about Ukraine.”
If you read the "Market Leader" for August - September 2014, then the prophecy of the Odessa elder Jonah (Ignatenko) was discussed three times and it was suggested that he not particularly believe. The author himself was sent from the editors to Athos precisely in order to obtain confirmation of the dubiousness of this prophecy:
“The editors of the Market Leader tried to find the truth in questions that already worry millions of ordinary Ukrainians by asking these questions to one of the elders of Athos ... The answers were shocking. Perhaps because they write something completely different on the Internet”;
“Do not take the prophecy of the Odessa elder Jonah (Ignatenko) about Ukraine, transmitted through tenth hands,” Macarius told us.
At the same time, the author gets acquainted with the “prophecy” itself only in Greece!!!
Lepota, a good journalist who does not read his own newspaper in which he works!!!
Or maybe he is doing the right thing, that he does not read, which means that he knows the price of the information that is published in it.
Further in the article, a very remarkable and, as it were, “sharp” conclusion for the Russian and Ukrainian elites is made:
“When Great Russians (Russians) and Little Russians (Ukrainians) quarrel among themselves, the “third force” always wins.
A striking example is the Ilyinsky Skete on Athos. In 1906, about five hundred monks, mostly Ukrainians, lived in the skete. Then the "Great Russians" decided to "take power into their own." How did the struggle between Russians and Ukrainians end? Both those and other monks were expelled from the skete, and now a small Greek community lives in the skete.”
This fair thesis contrasts quite noticeably with another – an unfounded thesis, or rather, some kind of ideological setting that the author imposes on the Ukrainian reader:
“Ukraine has a chance to win. The first condition is if all men stand up for the defense of the country, like the Greeks against the Turkish yoke.
The Athonite Orthodox elder could say such a thing - no !!!
These are not the words of an old man from Athos, these are the words of a sly Ukrainian journalist from the “Market Leader”, singing sweetly in the ears of readers for a monetary reward about the loyalty of the course and the heavenly wisdom of the “ruling” Kyiv elite in the midst of an information war.

P/S. It is not necessary to endow the elders from Athos with those qualities that they do not possess. Since the beginning of the ecclesiastical crisis, the Holy Kinot of Athos has not made any statements regarding the ecclesiastical situation in Ukraine, and the information in the media about decisions allegedly made by Athos monasteries on this matter is not true. According to the notice that was received from the Sacred Kinot (the governing body on the Holy Mountain), on February 11, 2019: “Contrary to the information disseminated in the media, the issue of the church situation in Ukraine was not included in the agenda of the meeting. Also, the information that allegedly a statement on this topic was adopted at the meeting is not true. Representatives of the Athos monasteries were unanimous in their decision to refrain from any comments on the church situation in Ukraine...
Sacred Kinot postponed the consideration of this issue for an indefinite period ... ".
These are the real Athonite elders: the gift of spiritual reasoning is there, the gift of prophecy is not!!!
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The editors of the Orthodox Life portal asked Metropolitan Anthony (Pakanich), who visited Mount Athos as part of a pilgrimage trip, to tell what he knows about the saving spiritual ladder of the Athos elders.

Athos is always peace and joy, staying on the Holy Mountain is like a breath of fresh air. Everything here pleases the eye and the heart. All the little things and details seem significant and important, any movement of the inhabitants seems to speak meaningfully about something, every spoken word sounds different, more weighty in this space, echoing inside for a long time.

There are no trifles on Athos, here is the concentration of life, light, positive and joy.

I am unspeakably glad of every opportunity to get in touch with the life of Athos monks, to learn something, to learn something new. Any trip is always an impetus for a new round in life.

Each time you return renewed and filled with something exceptionally important and bright, something that you have been looking for for a long time. And then with joy you remember the unforgettable colors, sounds and faces of Athos: sunny and friendly, radiant and cheerful faces of the inhabitants, the temple flooded with streams of the sun, the frescoes on the walls, made as if yesterday, reflecting the sunlight with gold and purple of biblical robes. All this accompanies you for a long time upon your return, encouraging and consoling.

Athos elders about repentance

On Athos, repentance and obedience are considered the main virtues. Particular attention is paid to correct repentance. On this depends the further path of salvation. Unfortunately, some people have a misconception about repentance.

Repentance is not at all a call to a person to lower his head and go with the flow of this life. Repentance is not a sign of spiritual weakness.

A spiritually weak person will never be able to admit his mistakes, only a strong spirit is capable of repentance, because it is the grace of God that strengthens him at this moment.

Repentance is the destiny of the courageous.

Genuine repentance is not an on-duty enumeration of one's sins at confession, it is an awareness of how dangerous they are for our soul.

In order to come to true repentance, you need to overcome the ill-fated circles of your passions, with which we are all entwined, as if in a cocoon, and at least partially get out of them in order to see God's world and ourselves in the true light, and this can only be done by a strong spirit of daredevils, not who were afraid to challenge themselves, who risked breaking their sinful fetters, rebelling against their corrupted nature.

Behind each ring that surrounds us, a new one opens, but it no longer obscures the light of Divine love: with each circle we are closer to God, we are freer, we are more courageous, we are finally happier.

One of the revered Athos confessors, the elder Dionysius (Ignat) said that the grace of the Holy Spirit helps if we are courageous; and if we immediately wilt when tempted, then what to do? And we have so many temptations, because the tempter is a spirit, he is a great trickster and deceives us with great ease.

Repentance is an opportunity to consider the greatness of the soul among the dirt and debris.

Athos elders about time

On the Holy Mountain, time is felt differently. Here, millennia touch the heart, the eyes. Here, the present pulsates in every moment, measuredly and clearly, you can clearly hear its sonorous sound, there is no need to look into the future.

But modern man is in a hurry to live in the future, running away from the present, he longs for the future and constantly talks about it. He lives for the future. And is going to be saved too in the future. The present and the past exist only as proof of the existence of the future. And in this expectation the whole life passes.

“Tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow…” is heard from everywhere. “I will change tomorrow, I will start tomorrow, I will love tomorrow, I will put it off for tomorrow.”

Athos has only one dimension - now. And this is a saving dimension. It is accurate and true.

Now it goes on forever. Now it consists of prayer and work, goodness and light, it fills all space.

Contentment with the present leads to humility of mind, that is, complete submission to the will of God. Thanks to humility of mind, the grace of the Holy Spirit descends upon a person.

The Monk Paisius the Holy Mountaineer teaches that if there is no grace of the Holy Spirit, then a person is good for nothing. The Holy Spirit is Light, divine Light. This is the whole basis...

Grace is that power that makes a person free from the passions and lusts of this age, wrote St. Simeon the New Theologian.

It is a sin to kill time, a sin to put off salvation until tomorrow. Time is the only irreplaceable substance in our life. Every minute is precious and unique, it is imprinted forever in the Book of Life, woven into the pattern of the present, without it, as without the missing puzzle, there will be no overall picture.

Athos elders about obedience

Obedience is not becoming a Pharisee. Obedience suggests that the main and unconditional value for a person is God.

"My son! Give me your heart” (Prov. 23:26) is the Lord’s message to each of us. If the heart clings to something else, God cannot save such a person.

The lawyer will not answer the call of the Lord.

The lawyer cannot strive for eternal life. It is futile to rely on the law alone, for the law cannot achieve righteousness (Rom. 7:22-23).

Keeping the commandments is not obedience out of fear or for show, it is an understanding of the commandments as the ineffable gifts of God that can comfort us on this earth and give us bliss in eternal life.

Thanks to the commandments, we retain a human appearance, otherwise we can all turn into wild animals and attack each other.

The task of obedience is to cultivate love in oneself. To God and neighbor. And from this love arises complete trust in the Creator, the desire to obey Him and fulfill the commandment.

Without love, obedience and salvation are impossible.

Salvation is the result, the high point of our relationship with God.

Genuine religious life presupposes only a personal relationship between man and the Creator. If a person, forgetting about himself, begins to instruct others and “save” them and the Church, this is a sign of spiritual delusion.

Only if a person cares about the salvation of his own soul, he cares about everyone. When a person is saved himself, others are saved around him.

We can help our fellowmen if we open the light of Christ in our hearts and souls.

This is how the Athos monks themselves are saved and help others to be saved.

St. Paisius the Holy Mountaineer, whose prophecies are read today, is practically our contemporary. He lived in the 20th century, in the world he was a carpenter, he fought, then he went as a hermit to a monastery on Mount Athos. Over the years, the elder became famous as a great ascetic and seer.

He always complained that he wanted to be alone, and people came to him every day and distracted him from prayer. But the invaluable worldly and spiritual advice that he gave irresistibly attracted streams of people to him, and the elder could not offend his visitors by refusing. The holy father ended his earthly existence in 1994.

For his ascetic and ascetic feat, he was canonized as a saint, so people who sought the help of an old man during his lifetime now receive it through prayers to his image. And Father Paisius became famous for his prophecies. His statements about the future of the world are simple and understandable, which is why more and more people are turning to him lately.

Prophecies about Ukraine St. Paisius of the Holy Mountain

The Holy Father always said that the three Slavic Orthodox nations should always be inseparable and stick together. Evil rules in the modern world community, therefore, it is only possible to stand against it and protect the rest of the Orthodox world by uniting. Not only Father Paisios, but almost all Athos elders warn Ukraine about the danger of communicating with the deceitful and depraved European Union.

Predictions of Elder Paisius Svyatogorets about the future of Russia

The monks on Mount Athos constantly pray for Russia. Saint Paisius said that Russia would have to go through difficult times, it would be like a ship thrown ashore. The Jews will come to power and will try to destroy both Orthodoxy and Russia as a whole.

But the time will come when she will be reborn in glory. The Christian faith, spirituality and pride in their homeland will return to the Russian people. In the difficult recent times, when the Russian people will experience an internal crisis, our country is destined for the return of the monarchy.

Before the very end of the world, Russia will be led by the popularly elected and God-given to the Russian people Orthodox Tsar, a man of the highest degree worthy, the owner of an iron will, a great mind and a fiery faith. He will not reign for long, because he will be killed, but during his reign he will have time to clear the secular and spiritual authorities of the unworthy, will return Russia the glory and respect of the whole world.

Prophecies of Paisius Svyatogorets about the third world war

The third world war will certainly happen, it will be very bloody and will begin in the Middle East, in the zone of current military conflicts.

The Russians will also take part in the battle - against the Turkish army and the united European coalition. There will be hostilities in Palestine.

When the Euphrates becomes shallow, then the Chinese with a 200-million-strong army will be able to invade the conflict zone, occupy Jerusalem. There will be many victims, and most of the Jews will accept Christianity. During the hostilities, the mosque of Omar will be destroyed.

Other predictions of the Athos elder Paisios the Holy Mountaineer

Elder Paisius predicted that, as a result of a deep crisis, the Vatican and Catholicism would lose their influence. The destruction of the mosque of Omar, which now stands on the site of the ancient temple of Solomon, will be the impetus for its restoration, and a sign of the onset of the end times.

As a result of the world war, hundreds of millions of people will die, therefore, in order to avoid further bloodshed, it will be proposed to choose a single world leader. They will choose the Antichrist, whom Israel is waiting for as the messiah, and to meet whom it hastens to rebuild the temple of Solomon.

The false messiah will forcibly introduce the economic system, which was already mentioned in the Revelation of John the Theologian, when all mankind will be given a mark on the forehead or hand containing the number of the beast - 666, and without it it will be impossible to buy or sell.

Paisiy Svyatogorets about the war with Turkey

The Turks do not like to turn to the prophecies of the elder Paisios, and all because he unambiguously predicted the disappearance of Turkey from the world map. The Turks also have their own prophecies in this regard, which coincide with the prediction of the holy father. Plotting to take over Greece, she will herself be defeated by her northern neighbor.

Russia will stand up for its Orthodox ally and defeat Turkey completely and irrevocably. In order to prevent the reunification of the two Orthodox peoples, the combined forces of NATO will act on the side of Turkey.

The massacre on the territory of the former Byzantine Empire will be so bloody that Istanbul will choke in blood. There will be so much blood that a three-year-old bull can swim in it, says the elder. At first, everyone will think that the superiority of forces is on the side of the Turks, and then Russia will win.

Turkey will fall into three parts, one will be given to the Kurds, the other will become Orthodox, the third will go south. A third of the population of the state will die. Istanbul will again become Constantinople, and in the main temple of this ancient capital of the great state of Byzantium, the temple of Sophia, an Orthodox service will again sound.

The city itself will become Greek, without firing a shot from them. So circumstances will develop that this will be the only compromise solution that will suit all parties to the conflict.


Once the elder shocked visitors with a prophecy about the collapse of the USSR, now his other prophecies are coming true - with a barcode on products and things containing the number 666, as well as microchips implanted under the skin, it is now difficult to surprise anyone. The dam that Turkey is building on the Euphrates River is almost ready, the foundation of the Temple of Solomon has been restored, so that we, whether we want it or not, live in the last times, and become witnesses and living participants in the prophecies that are being fulfilled.

Yermilin Petr 07/28/2019 at 17:20

In 2001, a group of Samara priests and laity, led by their archpastor, Archbishop Sergius, visited the Holy Mountain. Impressions from this pilgrimage were published in the first issue of the Orthodox almanac Spiritual Interlocutor for 2002. Since the fate of Russia was often discussed during meetings with the inhabitants of Svyatogorsk, it seemed useful to the editors to acquaint our readers with the statements of Athos residents.

In particular, in the Greek monastery of Vatopedi, the 85-year-old elder monk Joseph (Joseph Jr.), a disciple of the famous Joseph the Hesychast, who died in Bose, who now lives in a cell near the monastery and feeds this monastery, especially received the Samara bishop. Father Kirion, who accompanied Vladyka as an interpreter, spoke as follows after this meeting:

“The elder has grace written on his face. He told us about the fate of the world and the coming terrible events. The Lord endured our iniquities for a long time, as before the great flood, but now the limit of God's long-suffering is coming - the time for purification has come. The cup of God's wrath is overflowing. The Lord will allow suffering for the destruction of the wicked and theomachists - all those who have created modern unrest, poured out dirt and infected the people. The Lord will allow that they will destroy each other with blinded minds. There will be many victims and blood. But believers do not need to be afraid, although there will be sorrowful days for them, there will be as many sorrows as the Lord allows for purification. There is no need to be afraid of this. Then there will be a surge of piety in Russia and throughout the world. The Lord will cover his. People will return to God.

We are already on the threshold of these events. Now everything begins, then the atheists will have the next stage, but they will not be able to carry out their plans, the Lord will not allow it. The elder said that after a surge of piety, the end of earthly history would be near.”

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The elder did not deprive other Russian pilgrims of his conversation either.

Prayers of Athos elders for the future of Russia

"We pray," he told them, so that the Russian people return to their normal state, which was before the destruction, because we have common roots and are worried about the situation of the Russian people ...

This deterioration is now the general condition throughout the world. And this state is exactly the limit, after which the wrath of God already begins. We have reached this limit. The Lord only endured by His mercy, and now he will not endure, but by His righteousness he will begin to punish, because the time has come.

There will be wars and we will experience great hardships. Now the Jews have seized power all over the world, and their goal is to eradicate Christianity. The wrath of God will be such that all the secret enemies of Orthodoxy will be destroyed. Especially for this, the wrath of God is sent to destroy them.

Tests should not terrify us, we should always have hope in God. After all, thousands, millions of martyrs suffered in the same way, and the New Martyrs suffered in the same way, and therefore we must be prepared for this and not be horrified. Patience, prayer and hope in the Providence of God must be. Let us pray for the revival of Christianity after all that awaits us, so that the Lord would really give us the strength to be reborn. But this harm must be endured ...

Tests have long begun, and we must wait for the big bang. But after that, there will be a revival ...

Predictions of Athos elders

Now the beginning of events, difficult military events. The engine of this evil is the Jews. The devil compels them to start in order to destroy the seed of Orthodoxy in Greece and in Russia. For them, this is the main obstacle to world domination. And they will force the Turks to come here to Greece and begin their actions. And Greece, although it has a government, but as such, in fact, it does not exist, as it were, because it has no power. And the Turks will come here. This will be the moment when Russia, too, will move its forces to push back the Turks. Events will develop as follows: when Russia comes to the aid of Greece, the Americans and NATO will try to prevent this, so that there is no reunification, no merging of the two Orthodox peoples. They will also raise more forces - the Japanese and other peoples. There will be a great massacre on the territory of the former Byzantine Empire. Only the dead will be about 600 million people. The Vatican will also actively participate in all this in order to prevent the reunification and the growth of the role of Orthodoxy. But this will result in the complete destruction of the Vatican influence, to the very foundation. This is how God's Providence will turn...

There will be God's permission to destroy those who sow temptations: pornography, drug addiction, etc. And the Lord will blind their minds so much that they will destroy each other with gluttony. The Lord will allow it on purpose to do a big purge. As for the one who rules the country, he will not last long, and what is happening now will not be long, and then immediately the war. But after this great purge, there will be a revival of Orthodoxy not only in Russia, but throughout the world, a great upsurge of Orthodoxy. The Lord gives His favor, grace, as it was at the beginning, in the first centuries, when people with an open heart went to the Lord. This will last three or four decades, and then the dictatorship of the Antichrist will quickly come. These are the terrible events we must go through, but let them not terrify us, because the Lord will cover His own. Yes, indeed, we are experiencing difficulties, hunger and even persecution, and much more, but the Lord will not leave His own. And those who are placed in power should force their subjects to be more with the Lord, to be more in prayer, and the Lord will cover His own. But after the great purge, there will be a great revival...”

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Appearance of Nicholas II to the elder of Athos in a dream

The pilgrims also heard about another amazing revelation. He told them about him, with the blessing of the elders, a novice of the Russian St. Panteleimon Monastery George:

“The vision was revealed this year to one inhabitant of the Holy Mount Athos on the day of the murder of the royal familyJuly seventeenth. Let his name remain a secret, but this is a miracle that can amaze the whole world. He consulted with the elders of Athos, thinking that perhaps this was a spiritual delusion, but they said that this- revelation.

He saw a huge, enormous ship thrown onto the rocks in semi-darkness. He sees that the ship is called "Russia". The ship tilts and is about to crash off the cliff into the sea. There are thousands and thousands of people on the ship who are in a panic. They already think that the end of their life should come, there is nowhere to wait for help. And suddenly a figure of a rider appears on the horizon, he rushes on a horse right across the sea. The closer the rider, the clearer it is seen that thisour Sovereign. He, as always, is dressed simply - in a soldier's cap, in a soldier's uniform, but insignia are visible. His face was bright and kind, and his eyes said that he loved the whole world and suffered for this world, for Orthodox Russia. A bright beam from the sky illuminates the Sovereign, and at that moment the ship smoothly descends into the water and lays down on its course. On the ship you can see the great rejoicing of the saved people, which cannot be described.

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The Terrible Revelations of Paisios the Holy Mountaineer, Elder of Athos

It is very significant that these prophecies and visions of the current inhabitants of Athos, as it were, echo the predictions of the recently deceased Athos elders. In particular, the famous Paisiy Svyatogorets(1924-1994), one of the greatest pillars of Athos monasticism of the 20th century, who spoke of biblical prophecies that “reading them is as easy as reading a newspaper - everything is so clearly written”, described the future fate of m i ra as follows:

“My thought tells me that many events will happen: the Russians will occupy Turkey, Turkey will disappear from the map, because a third of the Turks will become Christians, a third will die in the war and a third will go to Mesopotamia.

The Middle East will become the scene of wars in which the Russians will take part. Much blood will be shed, the Chinese will cross the Euphrates River, with an army of two hundred million, and reach Jerusalem. A characteristic sign that these events are approaching will be the destruction of the mosque of Omar, because. its destruction will mean the beginning of work on the reconstruction by the Jews of the temple of Solomon, which was built on that very spot.

In Constantinople there will be a great war between Russians and Europeans, and much blood will be shed. Greece will not play a leading role in this war, but Constantinople will be given to it. Not because the Russians will revere the Greeks, but because a better solution cannot be found ... The Greek army will not have time to approach there, as the city will be given to it.

The Jews, since they will have the strength and help of the European leadership, will become insolent and behave with shamelessness and pride, and will try to rule Europe ...

They will build many intrigues, but through the persecution that will follow, Christianity will be wholly united. However, it will not unite in the way that those who arrange a worldwide “unification of churches” with various machinations, wanting to have one religious leadership at the head, want. The Christians will unite, because in the present situation there will be a separation of the sheep from the goats. Then it will come true “one flock and one Shepherd”
